Lying on the examination table, between two heated blankets no less, awaiting for the results of one of the two biopsies performed I had... yes you guessed it... an O-FROG moment. (I apologize if I am redundant with this phrase but it speaks volumes to me so please bare with me.) The doctor who did the biopsies informed me that she would have the results of the lymph node procedure in a few minutes. The biopsy of the lymph node was an impromtu decision after the ultrasound revealed a "concern" in a lymph node under my right arm. (The same side as the cancerous breast.) The O-FROG - Opportunity to FULLY Rely on God appeared as a surprise to me. I found myself lying there wondering if I had prayed hard enough..... did I give enough time to the scripture.... did I do this... did I do that... .should I have done more of this..... less of that.....etc. When it hit me: All the God moments in my life are not a result of the "how muchs'" I do or the "how hard I do something" etc. I questioned myself right then and there whether or not I believed with ALL my heart and with EVERY CELL in my body, that He had healed me. I recalled a phrase I read in the book Marilyn Crim had given me that said, "You cannot reap healing from a seed of doubt." BUT, I can reap healing from a seed of faith. Right then and there I told satan in a LOUD voice - Leave me alone. I choose to give God control not you. I choose to reap from the seed of faith not doubt. Then I asked God to crush satan and the self doubts that I let him plant inside of me. I prayed forgiveness for the doubt and found peace. It was only a couple of minutes later that the door opened, the young doctor walked in and broke the news. She said that the tests on the lymph node samples were negative. I sat straight up from that table and hugged her neck. She gave me such a tight hug in response and said that it is not often that she gets to give such good news. I gave all glory to God and she agreed. Do I need to tell you that I literally walked out of that examination room floating on air, went to my x-ray appointment - hugged the technicians giving God glory - then came back to Katy.
Is there pain in this procedure done today... yes... quite a bit for awhile afterwards. The pain reminds me that God worked His miracle today...again.
By questioning whether or not I was doing enough... as if I needed more than faith... compromised me...not God. God is the same today, tomorrow, and forever. Allelluia. Please continue prayers for my bone scan and CT scans tomorrow....the last of the tests for now. Let's all stand in faith that God's only Son, Jesus IS the Great Healer, Physician, Councilor, Victor, Prince of Peace... and all we need is Him.
Thank you all for your faith in Christ's healing powers.
Praise the Lord!
ReplyDeleteGod is sooooooooooo Good!!!! All the time!!!!! Can't wait to get one of those awesome Patti hugs!!! Love you!